Painful Sex A Kinky Adventure or a Stinky Affair?

Is painful intercourse normal?

Pain during sex

Health is first

Well, it is always complicated to determine what is and what is not normal in sex. But it is the same with every health issue! Nevertheless, if you have doubts about your sex life and think that something may no be normal, then you should definitely start searching for the answer!

I mean, we all deserve to get the best of the best, don´t we? And we absolutely deserve to have a good sex life, the one that is not painful.

So, the thing is, if you are experiencing pain during sex, it is not okay. It is a sign of a problem. A problem that needs to be solved. Therefore it is necessary that you focus on dealing with the cause of the pain and not the pain itself.

Various causes

Entry pain, or is it deep?

Painful intercourse has many various causes, you will need t investigate the pain a little. Is it an entry pain, or is it deep? You might want to find out before you visit your doctor. The cause can be an infection or something else. But apart from being physical, it can also be caused by trauma, performance anxiety or simply stress.

Well, now you see that the problem is a lot more complex than you probably thought. But just do not panic. See your doctor to find out your diagnosis. Do not treat yourself at home, because it may not end up well.

And of course, discuss this problem with your partner! He will be your support throughout the healing process.

Doctors from our clinic:

Should painful sex be the reason for visiting a doctor? 

Well, painful intercourse is not a good sign. But you probably know that, right? I mean, the first sexual intercourse is usually painful for a woman, but that does not mean that pain during sex is normal. Women and men should not be experiencing pain during sex. And if they do, then it is a sign of a problem.

Painful sex can ruin your sex life. I mean, instead of enjoying sex, you will just start avoiding it and that would not be good. Eventually, it may end in your relationship being threatened.

It can be a cause of something more serious. Painful intercourse does not just happen. It always has a cause. A cause that you may not know of.

Dr. Avery Linamen

The sooner you see your doctor the easier the treatment will be. And the sooner your life will get back to normal! Is it not worth trying? Putting off the necessary is probably not the best idea. The problem will only get worse and worse. And the pressure and fear will only get bigger. And there is no reason to be nervous!

There is always a solution and your doctor will definitely offer you the best option. So, stop hesitating and pretending that you know how to deal with this issue. It only ruins your sex life and your relationship and the longer it lasts the worse it gets.

Dr. Julius Yeasted 

Do not waste time treating yourself. Let the doctor do his job. I mean, you could end up with something more serious just because you did not do what you were supposed to. People always do this and it is never good.

Dr. Julianna Lammert

Discuss with your partner

So, are you ready to improve your sex life? Well, we hope that you are! Just do not forget to discuss this issue with your partner. It is something you should handle together and you will definitely need his support in order to be able to deal with this. So just go ahead and revolutionize your sex life! Or at least, make it painless again.
How to discuss with your partner? Here are some tips to discuss sex. Especially not to be afraid. Discussion about sex is normal in every relationship!

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